
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Great Tutorial!!

When I was in high school, my great grandmother gave me a large paper sack full of quilt blocks to make a flower garden quilt that my great great grandmother, her mother in law, had put together. The were needing to having the white/muslin pieces added around them and then be pieced together to finish the front.

Sounds simple enough right?! Well not to me. Although I wanted to bad work on this quilt, to continue a quilt that my great, great grandmother started decades ago, I didn't have the guts. This quilt is made up of thousand of little hexagons and I didn't have the know-how to do it. I really didn't want to mess up these quilt blocks.

So they have sit, waiting to be worked on. Well praise God, I found a blog last night after all the kids went to bed  with a great tutorial for making flower blocks. It gave me the confidence to try my hand at piecing this quilt together. Here is the link for this amazing blog, take time and look around her site. It has great tips.

So of course I got so excited about finding this awesome tutorial that I had to stay up past 1 in the morning working on my first flower block. I didn't get it all the way done but I got a good majority of it done. I am so excited to work on this. Not sure what I will do with the quilt when it is finished, since it probably will be a long project for me. I hope to hand quilt it to keep with the integrity of the quilt, since it has been all hand pieced.

I love that I have this piece of history and am actually piecing together quilt blocks that my great, great grandmother, a woman who I never knew and died well before I was even born, put together. It is like she gave me a huge gift that she was unaware that I would receive. I have no clue what her plans for this quilt was when she was piecing together these blocks, but I think it is safe to say that she didn't expect her great, great, granddaughter would be finishing up the quilt decades after she pieced them.

I added all the natural color hexagons around the colored hexagon

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