
Friday, May 25, 2012

The Home Experience

I truly like my mother in law. I know not many women can say that, but my mother in law has some great qualities, for the most part, she gives her opinion on something we are doing and if she knows I don't like it, she keeps her mouth quiet; she gives her support, even if she doesn't necessarily agree; and she never has tried to get between me and John, not once. She always tells me that she learned from the best because she had a great mother in law.

Anyway I say this all to share something that I found funny. My mother in law keeps her house really nice. Always has since I have known her. Clothes are always washed, folded and put right away, floors vacuumed, beds made, etc. You could go to her house anyday, at anytime of the day and it will be nice.

My house on the other hand is not like that, EVER. If you pop in, you will see a very "lived in house." My house isn't filthy, nasty, etc., but laundry is always needing washed, folded and put away, clutter, toys down, etc. Don't expect a clean house at this Schimek's house.

So for Mother's Day my mother-in-law bought me this book:

When I opened it I wondered what this book would be about, so I started reading it. Right away I could tell that it was a good thing I wasn't one to offended to easily. If most women got a book from their mother in law about keeping a better house, they would be insulted and start getting huffy. I on the other hand just laughed and thought "if she wanted to help me with keeping a cleaner house, she should have stuffed a maid in the bag instead of this book." I know my mother in law meant no nasty things by giving me this book. And it is acutally a good read.

 I have to say it is a good book so far and it has encouraged me to try to be a better housekeeper. One of the chapters talks about having an "also" attitude. The chapter is about how often our attitude is "I have had a long day, I deserve to rest," or "it is not my job to do that, I am not going to do it" and how we should replace it with an attitude of "also" meaning, I am going to wash the dishes and sweep the floor ALSO, I am going to fold the clothes, and put them away ALSO. Of going a step further than we normally do.

It talks about how a home should be a place of rest and peace, which is true, but often with clutter and unclean rooms surrounding us, we don't feel that our house is our place of refuge. Now I do agree for the most part. I would like my house to be cleaner, but it really isnt' the top thing on my list.

So I am going to finish the book and try to implimate some of the tips, but lets face it, my house will probably never be a show house, that you could pop into at any hour and not find stuff out of place. And I am ok with that!!

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