
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I will talk to my kids about sex!!

I read a news story today in which Miley Cyrus talded about how she feels parents should talk to their kid about how cool and magical sex is. How teens know about it because they see it on tv and that parents should be honest with their kids and tell them that you can connect with another person in a way you can't any other way.

You know what, she is right on that. Sex is magical, it is amazing, and you do connect in a way you can't any other way. It is a gift made from God Himself. But it is meant to be shared between a man and wife. Sex is holy and beautiful. It is meant to be special and enjoyable. God wants us to delight in the bodies of our spouse, find pleasure in the arms of our spouse.

So I do feel that parents should talk to their children about it, but not for the same reason she has. I want my kids to know that there is joy in sex, enjoyment in sex, that it is a gift that God created for them to share WITH THEIR SPOUSE.

As I write this I want to you to know that this post is not motivated by anger or some righteous attitude, it is with a heart that truly grieves for all those who miss out on the fullness of this gift. For the young woman who deep down is seeking love through the act of giving her body to someone. To the young man feels that it is just a right of passage to sleep with as many women as possible. For those who fancy themselves in love and give away their heart to have it crushed.

I want the heart and morals of this nation to change. For young people to look at their purity as a gift instead of a shame. To look at the young man or woman they are dating as someone worth waiting for. To treat themselves with the respect they should.

I know that with 4 kids of my own, chances are they wont all wait until they are married to give their purity to someone, heck maybe none of them will. I didn't even wait. But I will tell you that I will pray that they wait. That I will pray when they are joined as man and wife with the spouse God created for them, that they will be unknown to anyone previously.

I WILL talk to my kid about the magic of sex. And encourage them to wait for their wedding night and not because I don't want illegitimate grandchildren or my kids to catch anything, but because I want my kids to discover the enjoyment of the joining of a man and woman with their spouse. With the one they were joined with before the eyes of God.

And I will finish this post with this tidbit of info for you. They have done studies of the brain and found that every time a person has sex with a new partner, their brain connectors(not sure what this is called) in the part of the brain that forms lasting marital type relationships connects and then when they have another partner, this connection is severed and reconnected. This happens with every partner, meaning if they have 5 partners, their connectors are connected and severed 5 times, 10 partners, 10 times, etc. They have found with every reconnection and every severed connection, the strength of the connection is lessened. After multiple connections this connector is unable to stay connected with the strength of the first connection, meaning their ability to form a connection with a person and keep that connection is weakened. With every sexual partner, a person's ability to form a lasting connection with someone and retain it is demonised.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Great Tutorial!!

When I was in high school, my great grandmother gave me a large paper sack full of quilt blocks to make a flower garden quilt that my great great grandmother, her mother in law, had put together. The were needing to having the white/muslin pieces added around them and then be pieced together to finish the front.

Sounds simple enough right?! Well not to me. Although I wanted to bad work on this quilt, to continue a quilt that my great, great grandmother started decades ago, I didn't have the guts. This quilt is made up of thousand of little hexagons and I didn't have the know-how to do it. I really didn't want to mess up these quilt blocks.

So they have sit, waiting to be worked on. Well praise God, I found a blog last night after all the kids went to bed  with a great tutorial for making flower blocks. It gave me the confidence to try my hand at piecing this quilt together. Here is the link for this amazing blog, take time and look around her site. It has great tips.

So of course I got so excited about finding this awesome tutorial that I had to stay up past 1 in the morning working on my first flower block. I didn't get it all the way done but I got a good majority of it done. I am so excited to work on this. Not sure what I will do with the quilt when it is finished, since it probably will be a long project for me. I hope to hand quilt it to keep with the integrity of the quilt, since it has been all hand pieced.

I love that I have this piece of history and am actually piecing together quilt blocks that my great, great grandmother, a woman who I never knew and died well before I was even born, put together. It is like she gave me a huge gift that she was unaware that I would receive. I have no clue what her plans for this quilt was when she was piecing together these blocks, but I think it is safe to say that she didn't expect her great, great, granddaughter would be finishing up the quilt decades after she pieced them.

I added all the natural color hexagons around the colored hexagon

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Home Experience

I truly like my mother in law. I know not many women can say that, but my mother in law has some great qualities, for the most part, she gives her opinion on something we are doing and if she knows I don't like it, she keeps her mouth quiet; she gives her support, even if she doesn't necessarily agree; and she never has tried to get between me and John, not once. She always tells me that she learned from the best because she had a great mother in law.

Anyway I say this all to share something that I found funny. My mother in law keeps her house really nice. Always has since I have known her. Clothes are always washed, folded and put right away, floors vacuumed, beds made, etc. You could go to her house anyday, at anytime of the day and it will be nice.

My house on the other hand is not like that, EVER. If you pop in, you will see a very "lived in house." My house isn't filthy, nasty, etc., but laundry is always needing washed, folded and put away, clutter, toys down, etc. Don't expect a clean house at this Schimek's house.

So for Mother's Day my mother-in-law bought me this book:

When I opened it I wondered what this book would be about, so I started reading it. Right away I could tell that it was a good thing I wasn't one to offended to easily. If most women got a book from their mother in law about keeping a better house, they would be insulted and start getting huffy. I on the other hand just laughed and thought "if she wanted to help me with keeping a cleaner house, she should have stuffed a maid in the bag instead of this book." I know my mother in law meant no nasty things by giving me this book. And it is acutally a good read.

 I have to say it is a good book so far and it has encouraged me to try to be a better housekeeper. One of the chapters talks about having an "also" attitude. The chapter is about how often our attitude is "I have had a long day, I deserve to rest," or "it is not my job to do that, I am not going to do it" and how we should replace it with an attitude of "also" meaning, I am going to wash the dishes and sweep the floor ALSO, I am going to fold the clothes, and put them away ALSO. Of going a step further than we normally do.

It talks about how a home should be a place of rest and peace, which is true, but often with clutter and unclean rooms surrounding us, we don't feel that our house is our place of refuge. Now I do agree for the most part. I would like my house to be cleaner, but it really isnt' the top thing on my list.

So I am going to finish the book and try to implimate some of the tips, but lets face it, my house will probably never be a show house, that you could pop into at any hour and not find stuff out of place. And I am ok with that!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nice surprise!!

We decided to take the kids to the park for some ice cream tonight. I had just enough cash to get us all a baby cone and they had pineapple ice cream, which is sooo yummy! Found it kinda funny that here I was hunting for enough money to treat us all and we get there with just enough, and all the kids are wanting different items and I say "we have just enough to get ice cream and if that isn't good enough then you can do without" John gets up to the window and after I hand over all my cash, he says "man that cotton candy looks good." I told him I didn't have anymore money and he pulls out some cash and buys cotton candy just for him. So I used my cash to get us all a treat when I could have bought me a coffee or something earlier, but he gets a treat just for him. Men!! lol

Anyway while there, John's aunt walked up and told us the fire station was hosting a free dinner of hamburgers and hotdogs, chips, and a pop. So I didn't even have to cook dinner. Wish I would have known they would be handing out coupons for free ice cream at it though. I could have saved my cash. lol

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer List

The Schimek's "Not So Bummer Summer" List
1. Go to the Omaha zoo
2. Go to the amazing pizza factory
3. Go swimming at cody park.
4. Go to the train exhibit.
5. Go to the history museum.
6. Go for a picnic in cody park.
7. Go to the splash park.
8. Go to the water park in Denver.(this might not happen)
9. Go to Island Oasis.
10. Go for a picnic in Memorial park.
11. Have a sundae bar.
12. Go to cody park rides.
13. Make smores over a fire.
14. Go bowling.
15. Go to the movies.
16. Roast hotdogs.
17. Go/be in parade.
18. Fireworks.
19. Go to the children's museum.
20. Go to Fort Cody.
21. Go to the library.
22. Family movie night.
23. Movie in the park.
24. Camp.
25. Make sidewalk paint and each of us design a sidewalk slab.

This is the list so far. I will see about adding more when I think about it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


My busy week in a series of pictures. They are not in order according to when they happened.
Alex at his first game. He hit the ball everytime on bat and one time even got a double.
 Alex trying his hand at being a catcher. He is making Uncle Casey proud!
 Ryan batting at his first game. He didn't hit the ball during this game and was a little discouraged.

 JJ batting during his first tball game. The kid was more entertained with playing with dirt while in the field though.

 He got a homerun.
 PVCA's 1st-6th grade class on their Ash Hollow Trip.
 The classes plus the parents that went at a stone school house that is 99 years old.
 Alex's class in their tie dye shirts they all made
 Alex and Kenna at their dance recital
 My baby sister after graduating with her nursing degree and my brother and I.
Aunt Ashley and Kennedy

Monday, May 14, 2012

Busy week

Today was the first day of the last week of school. Ryan get out on Thursday at noon and Alex and JJ get out at 3:30 for the whole summer. I am not sure if I am ready for this. lol. It is going to be an extremely busy week.

Today after school, Ryan had a visit with his mom, JJ had a tball game, and Kenna and Alex had their dance recital.

Tomorrow John and I are going on a school field trip with Alex to Ash Hollow, then Ryan has a baseball game and Alex has his dance recital.

Wednesday, I work at the school, pick up Ryan early, then JJ has a tball game.

Thursday, Ryan gets out at noon, then Alex has a baseball game.

And Friday, Alex has a field day at school, Ryan has a baseball game(which he will miss) and Alex and JJ have a school awards night.

I am drained already and it is only Monday!

Friday, May 4, 2012

What was I thinking?!

There are times I question the wisdom behind my decisions and now is one of those times. I had the bright idea to sign all three boys up for baseball. Well after collecting all 3 kids' schedules I know realize that I will be spending part every week night at the baseball field quite of weeks during baseball season. This will be a little crazy, but honestly I am looking forward to it!!

I can't wait to get pictures and cheer for the boys. I think kids should be able to experience sports, summer camps, enrichment programs whenever possible. Not that I think parents should force their kids into things, but sports offer kids the opportunity to learn about winning and losing and playing by rules. Summer camps and enrichment programs, hobbies, etc give kids a chance to meet people they might never meet otherwise, learn who they are and what they like, and gives them a chance to be more independent while still in a controled setting.