
Monday, March 19, 2012


What's does it take for a moment in your life to be a forever memory? I was thinking about this today after talking with Ryan. There are some memories I have of my childhood that might to others be no big deal, to them it might not be worth remembering. So what does it take to file away a moment into your brain for the rest of your life.

I think for the most part it is the feelings that you experienced with that moment. It isn't always a good feeling, sometimes a moment is forever burned into your mind because of the feeling of fear, sadness, or hurt.

So this has me questioning what are some memories that I have from my childhood. I have many good and bad, some that bring a smile to my face and others that still make me feel like that little hurt child. Sometimes I feel like for me the bad memories from when I was younger seem so much more vivid than the good. Which is funny because as I get older I sometimes have a hard time remembering fights John and I had or something that happened to hurt me. It will take someone mentioning something to even make me remember those adult bad moments. Weird right?!

So I started thinking of memories from childhood that make me smile.

  • I remember walking out in the rain at our old house and enjoying the fresh smell.
  • I remember playing outside with my brother and sister on the patios. Our house had a back patio, front patio, and side patio and they were all connect by sidewalks and I can remember us pretending the sidewalks were secret passage ways in a castle and we would escape from the dungeon.
  • I remember walking up and down the street from my grandma's and our house and talking to myself about things. This has always been a way I worked through things. Little did I know God was listening the whole time.
  • I remember the cabin my grandpa built us. It was the most perfect little log cabin with 2 windows and we would play house in it. One chilly day, I took my little kitty in there along with a thermos of hot tea and pretended that I lived inthe woods all my myself. I had a rocking chair in there and my kitty and I stayed cuddled up in a blanket all warm. My brother and sister and I would also use this as a jail and lock each other in it. lol
  • I remember pulling out all my barbies in my grandma's living room and playing all afternoon while her and grandpa watched the soaps and napped. We would take up the whole living room, we had so many barbies
  • I remember using my grandparent's dining room as my personal sewing station. Grandpa used to tease me he was running a sweat shop. lol
  • I remember buying a 6 pack and a pound with my dad when he would get us for visits once and a while and we would sit in the part and eat it before going to Grandmas.
I wonder what memories John and I are leaving with our kids. When they look back at their childhood, will they have lots of fond memories of us being happy, or will they have to rack their brains to search for a good memory of us. I think our kids will have good memories for the most parts. Bad memories will be remembered too I am sure. But I hope that when my kids tell their kids about their childhood they tell their kids about how every so often we would have family night and get a papa murphy's pizza and get a movie and turn out all the lights and enjoy being a family. Or that sometimes we go grab subways and go to the park for a picnic. Or how we enjoy laughing and lots of hugs. How mommy will cry over sad movies and they make fun of me. How mommy and daddy hug and kiss all the time and the kids tell us how gross we are. That we have love, lots of love and not a day goes by without hearing I love you said in this house. Those are the memories I hope my kids remember.

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