
Sunday, March 18, 2012

It isn't fair!!

I hate when babies die! It is so sad! I especially hate that there are good people who desperately want to have a baby, would love and cherish a baby and they loss baby after baby or can never have a baby. And then I think about all the kids out there that are precious treasures that are given to parents that abuse them, neglect them, don't want them and wonder where is the justice. I mean is someone HAS to loss a baby, why can't it be the druggies that never wanted to be pregnant in the first place or the woman who end up killing their babies after they are born? I am not saying I wish death on these babies, but what I am saying is that if someone has to feel the loss of a child, why can't it be the ones that don't care.

As you probably guessed a woman I know lost her baby today. This makes her 4th loss and her only living child's pregnancy was hard and she was born 2 months early. My heart grieves for this mom! She had to make the decision to let her baby go as the baby was born at 25 weeks and was totally dependant on life support. She has never known and will most likely never know what a easy, uncomplicated preganancy is, with an easy as possible labor and delivary and being able to leave the hospital with her newborn. To have her child from the very moments of birth be with her instead of in an incubator.

No what she is experiencing again is walking out of that hospital with empty arms and a broken heart and instead of being excited and she walks into her house where baby items wait to greet her, these items will be a reminder that her baby is gone. The birth of your child should be exciting and happy, not followed by the planning of a funeral.

No one should ever have to go through this, let alone 4 losses at different stages in her pregnanies. I praise God for the life of each and every child, even though it was short, and that this family is blessed with their 2 year old daughter. I just wish they had more time with their children. But I guess in the grand scheme of things, this time on earth is but a blink of an eye in eternity. Someday this mom and dad will have all 5 of their children gathered in their arms and they will worship the King of kings together. I know I look forward to the day I hold my Jacob in my arms and see his beautiful face again. It isn't goodbye, it is only see ya later. See ya later precious Bobbi Johanna Loostrom. You brought so much joy and happiness in the short time you were in your mommy's tummy and in the hours after you were born. Know you were very loved and wanted!

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