
Sunday, January 6, 2013

With my induction date approaching in 11 days and having spent last night in the hospital with possible labor, I have been thinking about what I would like my labor and delivery to be like. With all the kids but Kennedy, I had people in the room with me while I was laboring and then at delivery. With Kennedy it was only John and me, not because we planned it that way, it was because my mil was getting off work at noon and missed it and my mom was in the waiting room and I was at 5 for a while and then went from 5-10 in an instant and John was lucky to even get into the room in time because he had stepped out to talk to a friend.

Now I really don't mind having my mother and mil in the delivery room while I deliver, but I think I would really prefer to have no one in the room with me and John while I labor. When I am in pain, I like to draw into myself and prefer to not have people touch or talk to me. When people are in the room with me, I feel I have to entertain them and end up resenting that they are there and feel I can't show my pain.

So my desire would be for everyone to stay in the waiting room until I am ready to push. Now this is a really risky move, because honestly as fast as I pushed Kennedy out and how Live pretty much shot out on her own, I am worried they would miss it. But I really would like to make my labor room as stressfree as possible. I got really, REALLY stressed by guests while I was in labor with Livie and it affect my delivery and me afterwards. And I am really afraid of having unwanted guest again this time during the process.

I just want to enjoy my last labor and delivery and not feel that it is for others. I kinda feel like some people who just got to the hospital and never tell people they are there have the right idea. Then they are able to do things at their pace and without an audience.

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