
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Miss Emmalee Jorja Kay Arrived

The Schimek family is officially complete. Unless God decides to give us a major SURPRISE or we decide to adopt or foster in the future, we are finished expanding our tribe. Here is the last picture of me being pregnant ever. (well except for the couple John took while I was in labor)
Friday morning right before 5 John and I headed up to the hospital. I went with expectations of having a baby before noon considering the deliveries of Kennedy and Livie. Let's just say that my labor was nothing like I expected. It was a long, frustrating, very disappointing labor!! Things I hoped and specifically asked to not have happened, happened. My labor was very slow progressing once I hit 5 cm and got my epidural. Wasn't told the reason for the hold up for the longest time.

And before being told why labor probably wasn't progressing the baby's heart rate started dipping pretty low. It got so low that it would go from 160's to in the 90's and then go back up. The doctor was concerned and threatened a csection if it didn't even out in 5 minutes of him coming in. He put an oxygen mask on me and John, my mom, and John's mom started praying for me. Praise God, her heartbeat never dipped again after that. So we were out of the woods there.

The I found out that the baby was turned facing my side, so she couldn't drop down to get into position. I started asking if I could get up over the bed to help turn her with gravity or get on my hands and knees. The doctor didn't want me to because of the baby's heartrate being normal again and the nurse was worried because I had an epidural and she was sure I wouldn't be able to do it. I was getting so frustrating because by this point it was past 3 and I still had no baby, my mom, John's mom, and a friend had been there since before 11 or earlier, and they were all frustrated. I was very frustrated because my labor plan for how I wanted the atmosphere to be was totally not happening. I felt like saying just give me a csection and be done with it. I felt that that is what would end up happening anyway so why fight it. I was done and discouraged and just kept praying that God would get me through it.

So finally after asking the nurse again and again, she said we could try to get me on my hands and knees. The doctor had gone back to the office and was going to be back after office hours which was 5 and it was 4 by then. She said she refused to have me have to have a csection with my 5th child. So she went to help me over and she was shocked that I was able to hop over on my hands and knees so easily with an epidural. I was in that position just like 15 minutes and I told her I felt like something had shifted in there. I think she was just humoring me and said that maybe it was going to work while not really believing it. Then the pain, which was almost not there before started picking up. It kept getting more and more intense. I told her that I felt like the baby was right down there and I felt like it was working.

She went and checked me and goes "oh my, you are a good 6 and thinning out really fast. This is working." I had hope again, because usually I get to 5 or 6 and then it is super fast and I am 10. Often we don't realize how fast until they check me because the pain is so bad, or until a baby is popping out like with Livie. By then I was in ALOT of pain regardless of my epidural, so she called up the guy to give me another full dose in, because the pump wasn't touching it. He came in and did it and I told the nurse that it REALLY hurt and I felt like I had to push. She checked me and said that I was just a rim, and the baby was there, she was getting her tray and calling the doctor.

So John called in our moms and our friend who was bound and determined to see this delivery, and the nurses started coming in setting up stuff and talking about if the doctor didn't hurry who was delivery the baby. I was "blowing out candles" as they called it, trying not to pop the baby out like with Livie. I remembering looking at the clock and seeing it was just after 5 and thinking, this doctor better HURRY!!

So here comes in the doctor, not believing I am ready with how labor was progressing all day long. He checks before getting his stuff all on and was shocked to say the baby was RIGHT THERE. So he gets to put his stuff together and they break the bed, I am trying desperately not to push. The nurse goes ok you can push when you feel the need, but I see the doctor isn't even facing me and I ask her if she wants me to with him not being ready. She goes well he is almost, but I waited until he turned around. Then with one little push, the baby's head is out, 1 PUSH!! They did the shoulders real quick and my baby was out at 5:20 pm. Almost 12 hours after my induction began. Longer than I ever imagined. But she is so worth it. So introducing my baby girl..............
Emmalee Jorja Kay Schimek
Born on January 18, 2013 at 5:20 PM
7 lbs 9 oz(second smallest baby only by 1/2 oz bigger)
20 inches long

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