
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Well I haven't blogged in a while. I had every intention of doing the days of thanksgiving but alas I fell down on that goal. Oh well guess there is always next year.

The past couple weeks has been crazy. 2 weeks ago on Monday I started to come down with a cold. I didn't think too much of it, but by Thursday I was miserable. Don't remember a cold ever kicking my butt that hard. I think it had alot to do with the fact that I am pregnant and that I wasn't getting much help around home and was still trying to do it all because it all had to be done. Luckily John finally realized that I was really sick and took of Sunday and I was able to just lay around. The rest seemed to help because Monday I felt so much better. Was still weak but made it through the day.

JJ also got sick on Sunday and Monday, so we were sick buddies for a bit. Luckily he was able to go back to school on Wednesday(wasn't fever free for 24 on Tuesday so decided to keep him home to rest another day.) He acts like he is having some lingering sinus problems still though. I also have sinus issues still going on, so prayers would be appreciated.

This week involved getting all our ingrediants ordered for the huge burrito/enchilada making day yesterday. Also Alex, JJ, and Kennedy had their school Christmas program on Thursday. They all did very well and looked so cute in their new Christmas clothes. Unfortunately Livie refused to let us get a good picture of them all so we will try again at their church Christmas program.

Yesterday was the day of making breakfast burritos and beef enchiladas. Since I was the coordinator, it meant I was the first to show up and last to leave. Showed up right before 9am and left at 6pm. We ended up selling 127 dozen and ended up making 144 dozen and still had ingrediants left over. We had a bunch of hamburger and cheese which we froze, about 90 lbs of pototes which we are going to sell, and cheese sauce which we are taking back left. I am not sure of the exact amount that we made of this one day of hard work but I believe it will be between $1400-1500 for the school. This is awesome because our goal for a fundraiser to be one of our top 5 of the year is $1000 and this is our first year of really trying this one. Last time we did it on a very small scale and didn't sell much.

Of course being on my feet almost constantly for 9 hours, walking around and lifting stuff while 33 weeks pregnant left me in horrendous pain!! I would have never believed it would have affected me this much. My whole body hurts!! My shins, ankles, and calfs feel like they are being poked with needles, my wrist and shoulders are really sore, my back is stiff and killing me, and my hip joints can barely move and hurt horribly bad. Everytime I get up from sitting, I am stiff and sore and can barely move at all. Praying this goes away fast!!

So there is an update in my last couple of weeks.

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