
Tuesday, August 7, 2012


We live in day of compromise, and we seem to be getting more and more ok with compromise. I have been really thinking about our society and the church in general and seeing how even the church is ok with compromise.

We live in days where we act like because the morals of the world have become loose for the most part, that that means God has changed. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His word does not change. His calling for us to be people who are conformed have not changed.

We are all sinners and when we come to know Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, there is a change in us. Is it a instant change from a sinner wallowing in sin to a perfect person, heck no. God calls us into acts of obeidence and through time He points the sin out in our lives and calls us to deal with it. I feel it is like when you sift flour, you don't just pour the flour in and BAM all the good flour is in your bowl and all the junk is in the sifter, it is a process, it takes time. That is how the process of us becoming more and more in the image of God.

We are however called to stand up for God's word and called to stand strong in our faith. But how much have we compromised over the years. We are so easy to justify things in our lives because we like it. And I am not just talking about the huge issues in our lives we struggle with but also the little ones. Like the shows we watch, the music we listen too, the words that we allow to come out of our mouths, etc. God loves us all, horrible sinners that we are. But should we act like His grace is something that condones sin? It does not. If we are knowingly sinning and ok with that in our lives, never repenting, never distancing ourselves from it, then where is the change in us? Where is the power of Christ? We are the ones not allowing Him to work on our hearts, not God deciding He is done with us.

I am saying this because I see it in myself. I give into anger, use words that I should never utter, and act like somehow I am justified because I had a long day or I am really angry. And yes, often my flesh does rear its ugly head and I act out of anger, but if I don't stop, realize that I grieving God and repent for my sin, where is the evidence that God is working in my life?

Life is hard. Sin is at every corner we look. But that doesn't mean that God makes allowances for us in this day and age. His word is still truth. He is still a holy God, He is a merciful God, yes, but He is a just God. We need to be a people who does not allow compromise in our walk. As God shows us the truth, we should stand on that truth. Is there sin in our lives that we are still not seeing, probably. But as God calls us to deal with the sin in our lives (and sometimes He uses others in our lives to bring it to our attention)we need to pray and ask God for His wisdom and direction in the way to handle it. It isn't always neat and pretty, but God will see us through!

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