
Sunday, August 19, 2012


It has been an extremely LONG week!! Last Friday I started to feel kinda off. By Saturday morning I figured I probably had a bladder infection. I don't ever remember having one, so I really didn't know what it was like. By that night I was in really bad pain in my lower stomach and couldn't sleep. So Monday I went into the my ob doctor and got some meds. The doctor was amazed that I put up with the pain that long and apparently my infection was pretty bad by that point.

Then later that night I started throwing up and having a fever and cold chills. Called the doctor Tuesday and got an appointment for later in the afternoon. When I went in to the doctor, they were concerned because of my new symptoms and the fact that I was having pain in my middle right back side, around where my kidney was. They were concerned that my bladder infection turned into kidney infection. There was talk of putting me in the hospital but after agreeing to getting a shot of strong antibiotics and watching my fever closely I was able to sent home.

Well that night and into the next morning I still had fevers and cold chills off and on, along with my back pain and my headache that I had thorough out all my sickness that wasn't too bad, turned into a full blown nightmare. The doctor sent me over to the hospital for more tests.

So after blood tests, many ultrasounds, urine tests and such, they were concerned that I had a kidney stone. I honestly was more concerned with my head at the moment that was so horrible, I couldn't focus on anything else. Anyway, long story short, I had surgery, which was really more of a procedure since I was not cut open, praise God!! They gave me a spinal instead of putting me fully out and I was able to see all they were doing on the monitors. Basically they put a tube up my urethra into my bladder and up to my kidney to see if there was a stone. They found not stone, thank God!! The consensus of the urologist was that between my bladder infection, which most likely had turned into a kidney infection, pregnancy(which apparently can cause you to mimic kidney problems), and the virus that they figured out had settled into my upper back and neck muscles causing my horrible headache, all these were the cause of my kidney pain.

I was able to return home and I do feel better. My head is still hurting alot, in fact today my headache was as horrible as it was before, my back around my kidney and bladder still hurts off and on, and I am extremely sore and tired, but I am better at least. Now just praying that it doesn't take me forever to recover from this week long illness!

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