
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rollercoaster of Emotions

I feel like I am on a rollercoaster ride lately. It seems like my emotions have been all over. Part of the reason is that I really don't feel good, pretty sure I have some kind of infection going on. But also it has been a bit emotional going through this journey of having Ryan. It is not that he is a bad kid or anything. Actually other than normal kid attitudes and dealing with the kids all getting used to living together and having someone else to share their home with, it hasn't been too bad. Yes it is a little nutty trying to get all the kids out the door 25 minutes earlier than we did before having Ryan, but we have been doing it and was only late 1 morning.

But the dealing with the reality that our family has changed possibly for a long time has kinda  happened without any warning. I truly believe this is God's will, but it has been a little hard to just get thrown into this with no warning, just a call one afternoon to see if we would take Ryan and then him being dropped off about an hour later. Really didn't have any time to think about how this changed stuff.

And there is dealing with all the stuff that is coming to light from this situation that is better suited for Lifetime tv then our life. Can't believe that this is part of anyone's life, let alone my family's life. This is just a huge mess. I guess that it is really true that you can't hide the truth forever, at some point all will come to light.

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