
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Had a really fun day with the kids today. I almost just kept us all home because I wanted to just veg for the day. But I decided to get us all out of the house for a while so John could enjoy a quiet house to sleep in. We all got ready and headed to Walmart to get a few things and to get Alex's haircut.

On the way we past the jail that they were tearing down the saw that it looked like it would come down soon, so we drove around the block, parked, and headed over to the courthouse across the street from the jail to watch the destruction. It was so awesome! I have never seen anything like that. When it came down I seriously sat their with my mouth wide open, amazed at what I had just seen. The kids that it was the best thing ever. Glad we stopped to watch. Don't get to see that everyday.

Then we loaded up and went to Walmart, got Alex's haircut, and then picked up stuff to make pigs in a blanket, veggie pizza, turkey roll-ups, and summer sausage plate for dinner in honor of the Husker game day. We then dropped all that off at home and headed to our next stop, which was a total surprise for the kids.

Ryan came home with a flyer for an event at one of the banks and so I thought it would be fun. Didn't figure it would be as big as it was. They had tons of carnival games, bouncy houses, face painting(I was a bunny), hair spray dye, food, fresh popped popcorn(thanks to my father-in-law), a really fun talent show, and a photo booth wear you could put on different funny props and get you picture taken.

So of course before we left we all got decked out all goofy and took a series of pictures. It was so much fun and such a good memory. The best things about it all was that it was all free. The whole thing did not cost me a dime. Oh and they had a nice petting zoo with miniture baby horses, a calf, chickens, rabbits, llamas, lambs, and A BABY PIG! Livie loved all the little animals.
So we had such a fun morning/early afternoon. Loved spending times with the kids, just wish John had been able to come. 

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