
Monday, January 4, 2021


So it's been a while. Like 6 years and 2 months. Well there have been some changes, like we have 7 kiddos now not 5, our kiddos are older, I would like to think my husband and I are wiser but honestly who knows. lol. I feel like life is just revolving phases sometimes. There are phases of wisdom and phases of "what were we thinking." Such is life. :)

I decided I wanted to start blogging again because I have been having alot of thoughts and internal dialog with myself and with God lately. I am a "got to talk it out" type of person. Not necessarily with other people, I just need to talk things out, sometimes out loud and sometimes just in my head. I have always been like that. I remember being a young girl walking the short walk from our house down a couple houses to Grandma's and talking things out as I go. I had many a good talks with myself and ultimately with God on the short walk.

Anyway I feel like I am in a place where I desire conversation with others, or maybe just to get them to ponder things that maybe they never thought about before. I am coming to see that depending on where we are in our lives, in a healthy spot or maybe in a really hard spot, our thoughts might be different on topics that we viewed in another light before. 

So basically I am wanting to start blogging again for a place for my ramblings. lol. My thoughts that I find inspiring, or the funny moments of my life with 7 kiddos, or maybe even my low moments. I don't know if anyone will read this ever. Maybe someone will.  My intent isn't to even necessarily to have anyone read it. I just felt having a place to write and maybe, just maybe, reach someone, put a smile on someone's face, or even make someone go "well at least I have it more together than her," might be worth while. 

I plan to go back and read my past posts and see what I felt lead to write in the past. Isn't it crazy how sometimes reading our past thoughts and words are like we are seeing them for the first time. That they seem like they are someone else's words. How we can change so much in life. 

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