
Monday, April 15, 2013

Something new in my life

So it has been a few weeks since I have posted. Life is going good here in the Schimek household.  Everyone asks me how it is being a mom of 5 and honestly I have to say, it has been relatively easy. I can't recall any of our children being a huge adjustment. Maybe it is because our babies are pretty good compared to other babies from what I hear from other moms. Our babies have always slept pretty good, eat good, don't cry all the time, and are pretty happy.

The school year is winding down and the kids are excited for summer. John and I are looking forward to the school's dinner theater program and JJ's kindergarten graduation.

One not so great thing is that John, Kennedy, the boys and I went to the dentist. Kennedy has one small cavity that they decided to hold off on filling since it was so small, I had only 2 small cavities that I got filled, John had a whooping 8 cavities he is in the process of getting fixed, and then the boys.....Alex needed 2 fillings and 3, count them THREE caps, and JJ needed 1 filling, 3 caps(although one they were able to avoid capping) and 1 tooth filled. Just paid off the dentist bill and now have another big one. Praise God we have good dental insurance.

Now for my news I am excited about. Maybe for some of you this will be no big thing, but for me it is something we have needed to start again. So about 2 weeks ago I was kinda freaking out about dental bill and was wondering how we would manage payments on it. I mean lately it seems like even though John gets really good paychecks and we don't have any huge bills or alot credit card debt, it always seems like by the end of a pay period we are broke and haven't paid all our bills. So I started looking at our bank statements and figured out that we were WAY over spending our food budget because we were spending way more on resturants and fast food than I imagined.(it was insane)

Then I was looking on pinterest to get some crafting ideas and came across fabric money envelopes someone was selling on etsy. Then it was like a ton of bricks fell on my head. Of course, money envelopes. We tried them once but never really did it for long. But I decided we were doing them again. So I decided to make my own(which are super cute) and get back on the system.

I actually am really enjoying it. I made 7 envelopes, and labeled them groceries, going out(for fast food), pop(yes we need to budget for pop, but it is cheaper than some habits), gas money, misc(for hair cuts, etc), bills(that I pay around town), and another one that I haven't decided on yet.

Then I took them and some other people saw them and they ordered some. So I decided that I am going to sell some on etsy(other people are charging way more than I wanted to spend, so I made some more reasonable) and take orders for those who know me. I had one lady order a set for her kids that have 3 envelopes in each set, one for Tithing, Saving, and Spending.

I am going to also make a set for saving for Christmas that has an envelope for each kid and John in fabric that reminds me of them, and also a set for my crafting so I can budget my money for selling my crafts(praying I can sell some more) and set back tithing money, then split the rest between money to buy more crafting supplies and paying money on a bill or something we need to pay off. That way I can have something I am actually paying on and feel like I am contributing some financially.

So here is a picture of my envelopes. Aren't they super cute?
Here is my etsy store if you want to check it out.

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