
Sunday, September 30, 2012

How is this possible?!

I have been wondering how it is possible to have such conflicking feelings happening me all at once in regards to this pregnancy.

On one hand I am perfectly content to just be pregnant. Well aside from all the nasty morning/afternoon sickness that still plagues me from time to time. But knowing this is my last pregnancy, I am enjoying feeling the baby move around. I am in no rush to get this pregnancy over with, although I could do without all sickness that I have had with this pregnancy.

Then I am so excited to meet this baby that I can't wait until January so I can hold my little one. I am so excited to see her and kiss her little head. To hold my last baby and love on her.

And at the same time I go through times of "what the crap was I thinking" thoughts running through my head. I am enjoying having no babies in the house at the moment and not having to lug everything with us that babies need. I was looking forward to almost being out of diapers and having in 2 years having all the kids in school for a couple of mornings everyweek and being kid free for a bit. But now we are starting all over.

And finally I have times where I honestly forget that I am pregnant. Maybe it is because I have been pregnant so many months of my life that it must not be such a huge thing to remember. Like it is just normal and nothing out of the ordinary.

It is just strange that in the course of a day, I can have all these thoughts and feelings. Maybe I am developing multiple personalities. lol

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