
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dishes and laundry are piling up!!

So for some reason after every pregnancy I must block out how truly awful morning sickness is. I remember having it with each one, but forget how truly crippling it can be.

My house is suffering big time. I have a HUGE pile of laundry to fold and put away and another even HUGER(yes I am using this even though it isn't a real word) that needs washed. Of course part of this is 1 huge bag of hand me down clothes for Kennedy my sister dropped off and another regular bag that a friend dropped off for Alex. I just haven't felt up to doing my regular laundry let alone tackle these bags.

And then there is my kitchen that seems to stay piled with dirty dishes regardless of me washing some. Today I washed 2 rounds(I wash enough to fill up my towel, then while they are drying I do something else. I hate drying dishes) and after lunch I have the remainder of the previous sinkful of dishes and then lunch dishes.

Both the dishes and laundry are not things I like to do when I am pukey, because I am super sensitive to smell and both are known to have unpleasant odors accompanying them.

Then there is the regular vacuuming and picking up that I just haven't kept up with as well as I normally do. I am not one that keeps my house spotless by any means, but it would be so much nicer to deal with feeling pukey, if my house didn't smell from dishes and laundry.

But alas, I know that after I finally start to recover from the morning sickness, then I will be cleaning my house.

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