
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ever have one of the days where your emotions are just a jumbled mess inside? You are acting irratically and horrible? You feel like crying at any moment? And the worst part is you know how horrible you are being but there is nothing you can do to stop it because you don't seem to be in control today?ou know it but there is nothing you can do about it, no matter how hard you try?

That is the kind of day I am having. I can't even say what set it off today. It isn't like the day started off bad or anything. I guess my only explination is that I am extremely tire, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I just feel bruised and battered today. I feel crushed and broken. I feel like all the emotion that I have been carrying around for the past couple of months is bubbling over. I hate days like this. I just want to crawl into bed and sleep for a while so that maybe I can be in a better mood. I want to lock myself away from other people so they don't have to deal with my cranky behavior.

Unfortunatly that isn't really an option today. It is my father-in-law's retirement party today. I just hate this because I caused a huge fight between me and John today with my attitude. I can't say that there wasn't reason for me to be a little irritated with the situation, but my horrible attitude made it ten times worst than it needed to be and I wounded John in the process.

I just wish that people would give me a little grace. I feel like I am expected to deal with sick kids for 2 weeks, stresses of normal life, added stress and duties from having Ryan live with us and keep up with all that I have to do at church and school and never let the stress get to me.

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