
Sunday, September 30, 2012

How is this possible?!

I have been wondering how it is possible to have such conflicking feelings happening me all at once in regards to this pregnancy.

On one hand I am perfectly content to just be pregnant. Well aside from all the nasty morning/afternoon sickness that still plagues me from time to time. But knowing this is my last pregnancy, I am enjoying feeling the baby move around. I am in no rush to get this pregnancy over with, although I could do without all sickness that I have had with this pregnancy.

Then I am so excited to meet this baby that I can't wait until January so I can hold my little one. I am so excited to see her and kiss her little head. To hold my last baby and love on her.

And at the same time I go through times of "what the crap was I thinking" thoughts running through my head. I am enjoying having no babies in the house at the moment and not having to lug everything with us that babies need. I was looking forward to almost being out of diapers and having in 2 years having all the kids in school for a couple of mornings everyweek and being kid free for a bit. But now we are starting all over.

And finally I have times where I honestly forget that I am pregnant. Maybe it is because I have been pregnant so many months of my life that it must not be such a huge thing to remember. Like it is just normal and nothing out of the ordinary.

It is just strange that in the course of a day, I can have all these thoughts and feelings. Maybe I am developing multiple personalities. lol

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Notice my lack of posts?!

So if anyone is wondering the reason for my lack of posts lately it is not because I have fallen off the face of the earth. And even though life has been crazy, that isn't even the reason. My darling husband broke MY computer screen and I am without a computer at home right now. It was truly an accident which is the only reason he is still breathing.(Just kidding....or am I?! lol)

No, in all seriousness he was walking while holding the laptop and trying to type it, WHILE on the phone. He tripped and the computer screen was no more. But praise God, after discussing the real need of the computer and if it was necessary to spend the almost $200 to fix the screen right now and making the decision the it in fact is not a need to have it fixed right now, more of a want and we were going to wait, I found our warranty we purchased on the computer when we bought it. And wouldn't you know it computer screens on laptops are covered. So thankful that we waited on repairing it, otherwise we would have paid for something that we can get for free.

Now I am just waiting for the box to come so I can ship off the computer and hopefully have it in 10 business days after the company recieves it. Until then, I only have a computer to use when I am at the church or in the school office on Mondays. And actually I am not minding it too much. We have our smart phones so we can do most of what we need on them, but unfortunately I haven't figured out how to blog on it yet. So until I can blog again, have a good day.