
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

School is out. It is officially summer.

It sure doesn't feel like summer yet though. It has been cooler the last 2 days. And for some reason, it really doesn't seem like the school year is over. Maybe it is because I have been busy with school stuff along with normal life and kids have been at grandparents houses so it still seems like they are at school.

I have been keeping busy with my crafts. I have sold 6 sets on etsy since starting to sell just over a month ago. I also have been started making custom diaper bags to sell. I am having so much fun. Just wishing I would sell more so I could buy more fabrics. Having to keep myself from buying all the cute fabric I see. Pretty sure I have a crafting

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day everyone! For many today is a day where we feel loved, blesses, and celebrated. But there are those who today is a day of sorrow and seems more like a torture to see on the calander. I am talking about those mothers who have lost their babies. Or those who have tried and tried and never actually gotten pregnant.

Please join me in praying for peace in the hearts of these women. To pray for healing and God to bless them greatly today. Thank you for doing so.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Been busy

I haven't posted in a bit. That is because I have been busy. I have been working crafts. I have sold quite a few sets of my money envelopes and even have had 2 customers order more after recieving theirs because they like them so much. That is awesome!!

I am so happy because I LOVE to create!! I even made a really pretty quilt and put it on my etsy site to sell. I have had alot of compliments but so far haven't sold it, but I hope too. I really enjoyed making another quilt. It was so much fun to see it take shape. I can't wait to make more quilts and other crafts.